What is Single Tooth

If you have a single missing tooth, one implant and a crown can replace it. A dental implant replaces both the lost natural tooth and its root. The single tooth implant restoration consists of three parts: the implant post which replaces the tooth root, the abutment which will support the crown and the prosthetic crown itself. The crown is either cemented onto the abutment or held in place with a screw.  Replacing a single missing tooth in the smile zone is one of the most challenging procedures in implant dentistry. It not only requires an ideal implant placement, but also healthy and esthetically pleasing gums around it.

A single tooth implant with crown is one of the best permanent restorations and more importantly, it does not require cutting your adjacent healthy teeth for bridging.


  • The implanted single tooth work, feel and look like a natural tooth.
  • The natural teeth adjacent to the defective or missing tooth are not cut and kept intact .
  • The defects of the bone can be treated and corrected through implant

·  Dental implants are so natural looking that you will forget that you ever had a missing tooth

Single Tooth

Missing Front Tooth? Not able to smile confidently? Gaps between teeth?

Missing Back Tooth? Not able to Chew Properly? Tooth loss at an early age?

All these problems have only one solution… DENTAL IMPLANTS (Fixed Teeth)

Contact one of the best Implantologist, DR ANUROOP RAI at Rai Smile Central Dental Clinic and get a healthy and confident smile.

At Rai Smile Central Dental Clinic, all the tooth Implant Procedures are perfectly performed by our specialist Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon, DR ANUROOP RAI, at affordable price.


A dental implant is placed in the jaw bone where the tooth is missing. However in cases where a broken tooth or a root piece is present, placement of dental implant can be done immediately after removal of the broken or remaining tooth/root portion. This procedure may also require placement of a bone graft around the implant to augment the existing bone. If the concerned area is in the smile zone, we at our clinic believe in giving a temporary crown to the patient, immediately after the implant placement. After a recovery period of 3 months, permanent crown is placed over the implant replacing the temporary one.

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    Rai Dental Hospital Invisalign In Jaipur


    Clear alternative to Braces as a Teeth-straightening option. Trusted by more than 10 million people across the world.



    It is the process of straightening. It is a specialized branch of dentistry that deals with the correction of Dental and Facial irregularities.


    Dental Implant

    It is a small titanium screw, which is fitted into the socket of the missing teeth that looks and functions like the real ones.

    Rai Dental Hospital Invisalign In Jaipur

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